MAMI on a Mission Podcast - Mujeres Alcanzando Metas Imposibles

Cultivating Dreams Into Plans with Vision Boards

Mariana Monterrubio - Best Selling Author, Latina Life Coach and Motivation Speaker Season 5 Episode 1

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Ever wondered how a simple vision board could unlock your wildest dreams and aspirations? This episode is a celebration of triumphs and a blueprint for the future, as I, your host, take you through the transformative journey of creating vision boards that have propelled my personal goals into reality. Joined by my daughter and friends, we've crafted these boards of intentionality, and I'm eager to guide you in designing a visual map that keeps your passions in focus. By sharing my process, I hope to inspire you to weave intention into every aspect of your life, making 2024 a year where your dreams are not just envisioned but actively pursued.

This season promises to ignite a fire within, especially for our Latina listeners, as we welcome a host of successful Latina women who will share their wisdom on everything from launching a business to climbing the professional ladder. These stories of tenacity and triumph are not just narratives; they are lessons and strategies tailored for anyone aiming for greatness. Together, we'll confront the shadows of negativity and the weight of jealousy, learning to rise above and support one another. Let's step into this journey of growth and empowerment, where our collective vision boards serve as a testament to the power of dreams and the strength of community.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, MAMI and welcome to MAMI on a Mission Podcast the podcast where empowerment meets inspiration. I'm your host, mariana, a life coach and author, on a mission to help Latina women, and all women, to reach their impossible goals, one dream at a time. Join me on this incredible adventure as we dive into compelling subjects that will uplift, motivate and ignite your passion. Get ready to be inspired, empowered and never give up on your dreams. This is the podcast where we turn dreams into unstoppable missions. Are you ready? Let's go? Hola, hola, hola and happy new year, amigas. I am so excited to be back on the Mommy on a Mission podcast for a new season, season five. I do hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. We're in this new year. I mean, like I am recording this. By the time you all hear it, it is already going to be like January 13th and it's like wow, we're already almost what? Two weeks into the new year. It's just crazy, right. I mean like how fast things are just moving. You know how the days are just going by so fast. But anyways, I want to say welcome back Again, like I said, to Mommy on a Mission podcast, the podcast that empowers women to reach their impossible goals, one dream at a time, and I just want to say welcome back. Listen, there was some great milestones that happened last year 2023, for Mommy on a Mission and Mommy on a Mission podcast. Like we went global y'all, like I was heard out in Australia, in England, in Spain, in Latin America. I mean it was just like people were listening all over, and so I was so excited to see the stats on that when it was presented to me by Spotify and also on the platform that I use to download all of my episodes. I mean upload all my episodes, and so I was just very excited about that. I mean, I thought that was pretty cool to see all of that. And then, not to mention that, you know, my book was dropped and I made the best sellers list. I mean, it was so many incredible things and I just could not have imagined a better year for me. And so I am so excited for 2024 to see what all is going to manifest this year, which brings me to the topic of vision boards.

Speaker 1:

So every year, I like to write my goals out, and so in 2022, so December of 2022, I decided that, instead of writing down my goals like I used to do in a journal. I wanted to look into creating a vision board. So I had been hearing a lot about vision boards and you know how they're a good tool to have and stuff. So I said you know what, why not? So my daughter, her friend, I had my best friend come over and we started creating this vision board and I wanted to, you know, be creative with it. So I knew that I wanted to be an author. So I put on their author and I put all of these things about the podcast and and you know, of course, financial red, or reducing financial debt, and all that.

Speaker 1:

And so when I decided that I wanted to host a workshop in December of 2023, I was like, oh, I'm going to be a vision board, I'm going to be a vision board. I'm going to be a vision board. I'm planning out the tools, the things that you need in order for your goals to happen, and it helps us Kind of stay on track. Why? Because we're seeing it. It's visual. You, you've got this beautiful thing.

Speaker 1:

I did mine on a canvas and I because I wanted it on my wall and so I made it really pretty. I painted the canvas and I added some, you know, really cool pictures on there and some flowers and all of this good, because I wanted it to look pretty, so that when I so that it could be part of my wall, part of my decor in my house, right, and this time around I wanted to be Intentional, and so that is also my word for the year is being intentional. So I actually added that to my vision board and on that vision board it says intentional 2024. I want to increase sales, I want a lot of things to grow, I want to build collaboration, so I'm very specific about the things that I want to be able to target. And so, because of that, then it comes to where you start making a plan. You know to reach them and stuff unlike resolutions, which you know can be Broad and and leave us feeling lost like goals give us a clear direction, right, and they help us stay motivated. Plus, setting goals is all about prioritizing our own interest and needs, and so we want to make sure that we are Prioritizing that right and then we're taking ownership and focusing on it. So that's why, for me, being intentional was very important, because I really want to start working more on Building up profits.

Speaker 1:

So I've got the name out there and I've been branding my name a lot, I've been pushing it out there. So that's what I dedicated on doing in 2023 was really getting my name out there, getting that recognition. And now that I have the book, it's like the backbone of MAMI on a mission, life and career coaching, because that's what I do as well, and I've been able to have workshops and go as a guest speaker and talk and stuff, and so it was bringing all of that to the forefront and and then being able to see it. And then I didn't stop there on just having it on my wall. It's on my computer, so I have it as a wallpaper, I have it on my phone, so I have it because I want it to be Present at all times, because when you see it, it keeps you on track and it's almost like a silent cheerleader, and so I love that. I love that.

Speaker 1:

So I do hope that many of you Took the time to. You know, write down your goals, focusing on them, and if you haven't, there's still time. I can't believe how many workshops for vision boards were out there, and so I've been seeing them. People are still making them. As a matter of fact, because of what I did last year. This year I actually hosted the workshop and I had 14 Ladies show up and they created their vision board, and that was so exciting.

Speaker 1:

Not to mention that we also read a scripture from the Bible that was going to be based on that, which isn't Habakkuk, chapter 2, verses 2 and 3, and it really talks about writing out your goals right and Then waiting for the appointed time To see it come. You know, to pass, you know. So it's gonna happen. If you believe in it and you give it to God and you allow God to do the manifesting for you and Allowing him to bring the right people, the right resources and the tools, those things are gonna happen. And which brings me to this point, too, because I was reading this article on legal zoom. So, for those of you who do not know what legal zoom is, a legal zoom helps you if you're wanting to start your own business. It helps you create your own LLC, or it helps you, you know, register your business right, and so they walk you through it, but anyway. So they had this article on there, and in the article it was discussing how Latina owned businesses in the US have grown by more than 87% since 2007.

Speaker 1:

So, according to the National Women's Business Council right, it highlights the importance of education and access to funding for Latina entrepreneurs who may face additional barriers. And one of the things about it is is that, as you're starting to think about those goals or think about those things, for Whatever it is that you're wanting to do, it's going to take time, it's gonna take research, it's gonna take you really Thinking about what you need to invest in. So, right away, people think, oh, I'm gonna start this business, and they try to start it, but they don't have the right. How can I put it that? There's no true direction to it, right? And so what I Feel is very important is educating yourself, finding a mentor, someone who can help you With starting your own business, and so there's this organization called score, which is the senior core of retired Entrepreneurs I believe is what it's called and and it's free services, so you get paired up with a mentor.

Speaker 1:

So if you're looking to start a business, then you'll get paired up with somebody that's gonna show you how to do that. If you need to create a business plan, then there's gonna be a mentor for that. If you need someone For bookkeeping, there's a mentor for that and it's all free. This is free and this is nationwide, so it's s, c or e which is score, and it's a non-profit organization of retired Business owners or CEOs that help mentor individuals who want to start their own businesses. Another thing is is a small business administration yeah, it's small business administration where they also assist you and help you in Walking that process so that you could start your own business. They provide services as well with information, everything that you need to know, and I do highly Ask that you take some courses, some very short Certification courses.

Speaker 1:

You can go to ed to go, which is ed, the number two. Go and you can take Short-term certifications that will help you. It's all. It's all about educating yourself. You need to get everything Together first before you start launching out your own business If you want it to be prosperous, if you want to run your business correctly. Now you may already be.

Speaker 1:

I can't even Begin to tell you how many candle makers are out there, how many women are creating shirts I'm one that purchases those shirts, y'all and so there are so many women that after that, during the COVID pandemic, so many people won't Went into business for themselves, right, because they needed to start generating income, because none of us knew what the heck was gonna happen during that time, right? And so so many Ladies or women started to Focus on starting their own businesses, right, but now that you've got it going, you've been doing it for a little about, like, on a lower scale. Now it's time for you to level up, right, and so you want to be able to now get all of those pieces together in order for your business to take off into a different direction. And so, with that being said, so, what does all of that have to do with vision boards? Well, what that means is that you want to implement those things.

Speaker 1:

What tools, what is it that you feel you're going to need in order for your vision to Come to pass? Right, and that's the same thing Education if you're wanting to go back to school and you're wanting to take some courses, what is it that you need? Put it on your vision board. Put it on there as if it's already going to happen. Right, like you're already envisioning. Put a cap and a gown on there, put a diploma on there, put anything that you need on there, so that you can start Visualizing what that's gonna look like for you. Same thing with a Raise. Maybe you're in a career and you're wanting this raise. Put it on there, put you know, raise, put the word raise or put some extra money on your Vision board.

Speaker 1:

But all of these things is for you to be creative but be intentional about what you want on your vision board and keep it out there. I had so much fun creating it and I know that some of my amigos had so much fun creating their vision boards as well and I was just like so excited to see that and just to see the saw on everybody's faces as they were creating their visions, to see what they are expecting for this new year to come right. And the funny thing about it is is I was looking at this one meme and on this meme it said you know, please, lord, for 2024, can you put me on the list of blessings financial blessings and not the list of trials and tribulations? But, as you know, anytime we go through things in our lives, anytime we're trying to accomplish a goal, anytime that we're wanting to redirect ourselves, there's gonna come some challenges with that. Nothing is gonna come easy. There's always gonna be some obstacles that we're gonna have to overcome. There's always going to be something that's gonna try to stop us or block us from achieving our goals. But we need to be focused, right, we need to remain focused, and there's gonna be days you're gonna wanna give up, trust me. Trust me, there were days that I just wanted to throw in the towel and be like I don't know if I wanna start, you know, continue with my business. I don't know if I wanna continue doing podcasts. I don't know if I wanna, because it's a lot of work y'all, and especially because I also work a full-time job and so not only am I building up my business, but writing another book and also, you know, creating more episodes and really reaching out, because I wanna bring in guests that are really gonna speak to you. That's gonna help motivate you, encourage you, inspire you, but also talk to you and teach you things right. So we're gonna talk about this season here.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, it's all about being intentional and in this season this of season five I really wanna bring in topics that are going to be beneficial, not so much just relating stories of how these women succeeded, but I also want them to provide you the tools, talk to you about what is out there for you. So if you're wanting to start a business, we're gonna have Latina women coming on here to talk to us about what does it take to be successful? What do you need? All of those things. If you're someone that wants to go to school or if you wanna climb the ladder in your career, we're gonna have mojethers that are gonna come in here and they are going to feed you this information. They're gonna help you, they're gonna empower you and they're gonna help make sure that you are accomplishing those goals that you want to accomplish. So, y'all, this season five, I am so excited because I've been able to meet some really wonderful mojethers that are also leveling up and really wanna share with you lessons that they have learned along the way in order for their goals to happen. Yes, I am also gonna share stories of women who have faced adversity, adversities and trials and tribulations, and all of that because I think it's important to share those things as well, because that's how we are able to relate to each other right.

Speaker 1:

As mojethers, we wanna be able to fix each other's crowns. I say that a lot about fixing each other's crowns. I think it's so much harmful when we are knocking each other down and that happens. That happens a lot, especially when you are trying to make some changes in your life, especially when you're wanting to go in a different direction, and there's gonna people that simply are not gonna go in that direction with you. And that is the truth. There's gonna be some people that you're just gonna surpass them. It's like in a race, when you're running, you're gonna surpass those people, right, and there's gonna be people that are gonna be angry about that. Why? Because they wanna beat you, they wanna outrun you, they wanna do better.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing you are doing the work your it's like again, like running your training, your Eating, right, you're doing all of the things that you need to do in order to run that race, right. Same thing with life you're doing all of the things that you need to do In order to change the direction in which your life is going. If you want to do better, you're going to make better decisions. You're going to do things that are going to be beneficial for you, in order for you to grow, and so a lot of people can't see that right, and especially in with our community, the latina community, what happens is we hear this a lot also you think you're better than me. Why are you investing?

Speaker 1:

I have a client right now, I kid you not. So I'm working with this client and yes, it's a male client, because I also work with men as well, but primarily it's with women. But he was telling me that he was sharing with his family how he's working with me on his life coach and how we're working on his goals and all of these things. And so they were like, oh man, I think that's just a waste of money. You know, they're going to have you thinking differently and they're going to make you think like you're better than us and stuff.

Speaker 1:

And I kind of chuckled when he was telling me these things and I was like well, let me ask you this how do you feel about all of that? And he says, well, he goes, I think, because I am learning and I am doing that. They feel threatened by that. And I said and that could possibly be the thing, right? Because no, it's like it's hard for us sometimes to see somebody else succeed, especially when they're projecting their own feelings on to you. And so I told him, I said listen, a lot of times that's coming from a place of fear, of jealousy, sometimes of envy, sometimes. I'm not saying that that's what they are, but a lot of times it can come from a place within them, right, that they don't want to see the other person succeed, and so they'll tell you oh, you know, like I've heard a lot of people say you know, oh, why are you gonna start? Oh, there's already a lot of people making shirts.

Speaker 1:

Or when I was going into the life coaching, because, oh, there's a lot already, a lot of life coaches out there, and when I wanted to create my podcast, oh, there's already. You know, people have podcasts about this and stuff. So what? So what? Who cares? Who cares if there's already a tons of women creating shirts? Who cares if there's a lot of candle makers? And who cares if there's so many latina podcasters? Who cares?

Speaker 1:

Y'all, it's wide open. It's wide open and no one is going to deliver a message like you. No one is going to do the product like you. Why? Because you're putting your heart, you're putting your Strength, your, your talent all of that into a product that you are making right, and so every, if it's going to be different for everybody, they're going to receive something from you, or or not, and that's okay. That doesn't mean that you're a failure. What that means is that it's what you're doing, what you're creating. What you're making is not Going to be for that other person and I had talked about this in other episodes as well where you know Some people are not gonna, you know, like what you do and that's okay, all of that is okay.

Speaker 1:

But listen on me, guys, I want you to, if you haven't already, create your vision boards. Have fun with it, and I want to see them. So, if you create them, please post them on my Instagram page, you know, and tag me on it. On all our mommy on a mission or Tiktok I have a tiktok as well, mommy dot on Dot a mission, and I still have my Facebook page. So, you know, follow me and share those vision boards with me.

Speaker 1:

Let me see what you're creating, let me see what you're doing, so that I can too, you know, root for you and for this new coming in this new year of 2024, because I do believe that there's gonna be some really great and exciting Things. And even if you go through some bumps along the road, hey, I mean, that's okay, that's okay, you know, just keep moving forward and surround yourself with people who are going to help push you Not push you down, but push you forward, okay, and so I am so excited I'm thankful for those of you who continue to come on and listen to the mommy on a mission podcast. I can't wait to bring all of these wonderful topics to you, and we're also gonna talk about, you know, some current events that's going on, especially for Latina women, and so I want to be able to bring that to you. And, like I said, I'm gonna bring some really great topics to you all, because I really want to Get those messages out there for you all, because I know that there's gonna be something that's gonna is Aspire you, to motivate you, to encourage you and to hopefully empower you to Reach the success that you're hoping to find. So, I mean, guys, thank you so much for spending this morning with me. I am so, like I said, so excited about this coming year and I can't wait to See what you all have going up I mean what you all have up your sleeves, okay, so tune in next Saturday for another episode of mommy on a mission, and I will see y'all then.

Speaker 1:

If you are hearing this message, you've listened to the entire episode, and for that I want to say me gracias from the bottom of my heart. If you would like to dive deeper into today's message and would like to connect with me, send DM on Instagram at all our mommy on a mission or Facebook at mommy on a mission. You can also find me at mommy on a missioncom. I hope you've enjoyed this new episode and, if you did, it would mean the world to me if you would subscribe, share this podcast and leave me a review on Spotify and Apple podcast or wherever you listen to your podcast. Tune in next week for some more words of motivation, motivation, inspiration and encouragement on mommy on a mission.

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MAMI on a Mission Podcast - Mujeres Alcanzando Metas Imposibles

Mariana Monterrubio - Best Selling Author, Latina Life Coach and Motivational Speaker