MAMI on a Mission Podcast - Mujeres Alcanzando Metas Imposibles

How to Ask for What You Deserve

Mariana Monterrubio - Best Selling Author, Latina Life Coach and Motivation Speaker Season 5 Episode 6

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As the candles on my birthday cake flicker with promise, it's a stark reminder of the light we all have within us to illuminate our true worth. In this week's episode, amidst the festivity, we crack open the dialogue on self-advocacy and negotiating for rightful compensation in the workplace. With a special focus on empowering my fellow mujeres, and indeed all women, we tackle the societal conditioning that too often whispers we should settle for less. Through my lens as a life and career coach, I reflect on the moments that have shaped my own journey to self-assurance and share how, together, we can rewrite the narrative to confidently claim what we've earned.

There's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression—a line that women are often unfairly cautioned not to cross. But fear not! We're here to arm you with the strategies to leap over that line with grace. Through tales of triumph, like that of a client who sailed successfully through a negotiation storm, we map out the route to a harbor of fair compensation. We'll dissect the art of knowing your value, preparing for possible pushbacks, and the importance of resources like ONET Online. So, whether you're on the brink of a career leap or seeking growth in your current role, this episode is your beacon to becoming unstoppable in your quest for what you truly deserve. ¡Adelante!


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Speaker 1:

Hola and welcome to another episode of Mommy on the Mission podcast, the podcast that empowers Latina women, and all women, to reach their impossible goals, one dream at a time. I'm your host, mariana, and today we're going to dive into a topic that's crucial for every mujer in the workforce and that's asking for what you deserve in your career. So grab your cafecito, sit back and relax and join me this morning as we dive into this topic. Hello, hello, and welcome to the Mommy on the Mission podcast, where empowerment meets inspiration. I'm your host, mariana, a life coach and author, on a mission to help Latina women, and all women, to reach their impossible goals, one dream at a time. Join me on this incredible adventure as we dive into compelling subjects that will uplift, motivate and ignite your passion. Get ready to be inspired, empowered and never give up on your dreams. This is the podcast where we turn dreams into unstoppable missions. Are you ready? Let's go? Hello, hello, welcome again to Mommy on the Mission podcast, and I'm just so excited to have you on this show today. Actually, you know what? Today is Saturday, the 17th, and so you're probably listening to this and I'm about to go get ready, because, guess what, y'all? I'm about to celebrate my birthday. My birthday is actually February 21st, but today is going to be my party and I'm so excited because I'm going to be surrounded by all kinds of friends and family members, and it's just so exciting to be going into that next phase. I'm half a century old, but I am so, so, so excited. Well, listen, if this is your first time here, I'm glad that you've joined me, and for those of you that continuously follow me and just join in and tune in every Saturday, thank you so much. I am so humbled about for having you with me today.

Speaker 1:

But you know what I wanted to talk about this particular topic? Because I was asked not to long ago, and this is actually part of what I do, because alongside me being a live coach, I'm also a career coach, and one of the things that I do is I help mojedes that have been in their careers and do not get the raise that they deserve or they don't know how to negotiate their salaries. And so one of the reasons why they don't do this, because when I'm sitting with them and I'm asking them, you know, because a lot of times they come in, they want to change their careers and I'm asking well, why do you want to change your career? Well, because you know what I haven't gotten a raise. Or every time I try to talk about it, you know I don't get what I deserve or what I'm worth. So I just stop asking and so I'm like well, you know that's important, you know you should, instead of just hopping on another job. You know we really have to focus on what's what's happening. You know, like, why are you not getting that raise that you deserve? And for some, I do encourage them that perhaps it is time to move on into a different career, because I think a lot of times when you've been working with the same people and there's no change and there's no change happening, like if historically nothing is happening Then it is probably wise to just go ahead and leave. You know, leave that position and going to a different company, but anyways.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, one of the reasons is fear of rejection or backlash. Women often worry about being perceived as too aggressive, and I've heard that a lot too. You know like, oh, you know she's being pushy, you know she's not happy, she's being too demanding, and and that can hold you back right from advocating for yourself. But here's the thing I mean us. We need to. We need to really hone in on learning how to advocate for ourselves. Another thing that factors into this is the societal conditioning that teaches us women to prioritize Others needs, right, like our bosses. It's all about the company, it's all about their needs and their cost, and and there's always an excuse or reason, right. And so sometimes from a young age, many of us are socialized to be caretakers and nurturers, which Can make it challenging to assertively advocate for our worth in the workplace, because we're so accustomed to put everyone else before us that we always put ourselves last. So what does that mean? It means is time to break the barriers that hold us back from advocating for ourselves.

Speaker 1:

You know, I like to look at research, I like to look at data because, as a career coach, that's one of the things that I do. I'm always having to research the data and I'm always having to see what changes are in work, you know, in the labor and the oh my god. I'm just going blank today. Yeah, this is because I'm so excited that it's going to be my birthday party, but anyways, I like to look at data, especially through the Department of Labor, and it gives a lot of great information. So studies shows that women are less likely to negotiate for higher salaries than men 62% of men or more will always get a raise before a woman, and leading to a persistent gender pay gap. You know, men are not afraid to ask for what they want. They really are not, but yet, as women, we're a group of women. We really are not, but yet, as women, we're afraid because we don't want to be perceived as pushy or as aggressive.

Speaker 1:

But it's crucial to remember that advocating for fair compensation is not only reasonable, but it's necessary for our financial wellbeing and professional growth. So how can we overcome the hesitation and fears surrounding salary negotiations? This is some of the things that I have spoken to a lot of mojadas that have come in and asked me how do I do this? Well, number one, you have to know your worth. You've got to research the industry standards and the value of your contributions to the company to confidently make your case for a raise. So there's scenarios where I have mojadas come in and they'll say, well, I want to raise. Okay, well, pretend I am the manager and you're coming to me and you're asking me for a raise. So why do you deserve a raise? Because I've been working here long enough and what I'm getting paid, I'm like, okay, hold on, hold on. You know, wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

That's not the approach that you want to go in for or with, rather, because what they're wanting to hear is, when you're pleading your case, you've got to know what you're bringing to the table. It's not about how long you've been there, it's not about what someone else is making or anything like that. You've got to really have a list of Reasons why you deserve to have that raise, and you also have to research the industry. One website that I highly recommend is o net online Org. That's o net, the word online that org and what that does. It's going to show you, based on the job title. It's going to show you what the industry is paying in your area. So if you want more information about that, I will have the link in the show notes so that you can go in there, play with it a little bit, learn about it, but it's really going to teach you about things and it's also going to Provide you some tasks. It's going to provide you some job descriptions and stuff. That way, if you are going to Advocate for yourself, you need to know exactly what it is. So Perfect example, while I'll get back to that in a minute. But you've got to practice being assertive. Approach the conversation with confidence and clarity, highlighting your achievements and the impact you've made. Okay, so it's. It's not just about knowing your earth, but you also have to know what achievements and impact you've made, because they they. It's not about you have the time, it's about what you're contributing to the company, and then be prepared to negotiate, anticipate potential objections okay and have a clear plan in mind to address them, while staying firm in your request. So perfect example of this.

Speaker 1:

I had a client not too long ago and she learned that others were making more money than her and, mind you, she's the person that has actually trained most of these individuals in the job. But yet, because she's never really been able to go and ask for a raise, while perhaps the others have, she was always getting the short end of the stick. So we talked about it and she says you know what? I think I'm gonna go ahead and apply to other jobs and I said okay, I said so. I said well, you know what that wouldn't be. That wouldn't be a bad idea, because you want to be able to know what other companies are willing to pay you right, and so she was.

Speaker 1:

She went on a job interview and they asked what kind of salary she was expecting or looking for, what have you? And so she was saying well, listen, this, these are the skill sets that I have, this is what I'm doing and this is the amount that I am asking for. This is what I currently. You know, I'm currently making this and I'd like to, you know, have a dollar more or two dollars more, whatever. And they thought, okay, you know what that's that's doable. And so I told her. I said now Use that same approach and go back to your company, because if this is a company that you want to stay at and if you're really truly Happy there You're just not happy with what they're paying you Then you need to take everything that you said in your interview and go back to your employer and talk to them About why you deserve to receive a raise. So we practice that.

Speaker 1:

So, long behold, she gives me a call and she says guess what? I did, what we practiced, and I was able to talk to my manager and Ask for a raise. I, when the manager asked me why do you feel you deserve a raise. She was. I was able to talk to them about the, the team that I've Built by training them, the new skills that I've been able to learn, the personal development that I've been doing. So she started talking about all of the things that not only was she learning and applying, but she was also Letting them know that, because of the things that she was learning, it's had her become a better employee, cost of services have increased. I mean, the amount of services that was getting had been increased and then, you know, it was showing more productivity coming in and to the company. So she was really able to talk about all of the things that she was able to contribute to the company and how she feels that, because of her contributions and her achievements, and the things that she's learning on the job and how she's applying it, makes her a candidate to receive, or at least advocate for herself, or raise. And, lo and behold, they were able to provide her that raise. That is one example of someone who let fear, not letting fear overtake her, and she was able to ask for this raise.

Speaker 1:

But let me give you some insight because, just like I mentioned, you know I like to look at research. I like to look at the data, especially when I am talking to women about why they should, the importance of why they should Advocate for themselves, and one of the things that I discovered is that research shows that, while 68% of white women have asked for a raise, only 52% of Latina women and 51% of black women have done the same. So white women have a lot more confidence in themselves to ask for a race that 68%, where 52% and 51% of colored women Are asking for raises. So that says something right. In a lot of times, it says something even about our cultures, especially for us Latinas, right, because we are raised that I know I had it that that is my one of that type of idea. You know, like we are the nurtures and caregivers, like I mentioned earlier, and so it's hard for us to ask for that. But we do have to take an example of, you know, the white women out there that aren't afraid to ask for raises, and for my Black ladies out there, you need to also speak up and ask for those raises, because you're bringing value, and you're bringing Not only the value, but you're bringing in the work you're showing you know your bosses, you're showing these companies that you're making it that you know we don't have to be other statistics anymore that are on the low end. We really, really, really need to start advocating for ourselves. So the disparity underscores the importance of breaking the silence right and advocating for equitable compensation across all demographics.

Speaker 1:

Which leads me to this scripture here, and it says it's in Matthew seven seven and says ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, not and the door will be open to you. Isn't that so true? If we don't ask for what we deserve, guess what? The answer is always going to be no. We have to come out of that mentality, put fear aside and come in with confidence. And the confidence is going to be when you have practice with someone, when you have done all of your research, when you have made a list of all of your achievements and when you can confidently go in and negotiate your raise. So, amigas, please, don't be afraid to ask for more money, and if you're going on An interview for a new job, right, don't be afraid to negotiate.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you something. I'm gonna give you an example for myself. I went to a job and I interviewed for them and they asked me you know what salary I was going to, you know what salary I was looking for. I gave them X amount. You know of what I was asking for. I told them listen, this is what I've made before, this is what I'm looking for. And so, after careful consideration, they said you know what? How about we? We give you this. So they went a little bit on the low and I said no, I'm actually looking for this. So we finally that came to an agreement. We met somewhere in the middle and I was able to Obtain a position where I was making more than the company out, but actually it was about like a $5,000 more than where I was at before.

Speaker 1:

So I mean us, like I said, the worst they can say is no right, or you can always go find something better or something another place that's going to pay you more money. So I hope this information was helpful to you. I am interested in hearing about ways that you've been able to negotiate for either a raise or Negotiate your salary. Or, if there's any questions that you have, send me a DM, go to alla mommy on a mission on Instagram, or you can find me on Facebook and reach out to me. Let me know If you're one of those people that are afraid to advocate for yourself, and if you are, then let's talk, let's talk and let's get you on your way to advocate for your worth.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I mean us. Thank you all so much for spending this time with me this morning. Again, I know that I probably sounded like a crazy woman on the show today, but I am excited. However, I did not want to miss this opportunity of spending some time with you all Before I go out and get ready for my birthday party. Again, I am so excited, and so, with that being said, I wanted to let you know also that, come April 6 and 7th in Phoenix, arizona, we are I am going to be attending the book publishing Academy, the fourth annual book publishing Academy Summit, and it's going to be in person in Phoenix Arizona. So if you are a mommy on a mission who wants to Learn about how to write your very first book, if that's something that's been on your mind but you're not sure, or if you don't feel confident enough to do it, listen, go to book loadingcom, grab yourself a seat and come join us in Phoenix Arizona and let's get you on that path to get you to write your very first book. So I'm you guys. Thank you so much once again for joining me.

Speaker 1:

Please share this episode, please subscribe and continue to tune in. I love seeing so many of you Respond back to me and just send me messages letting me know that what you heard on this show has benefited you, impacted you and motivated you to be a mommy on a mission. If you are hearing this message, you've listened to the entire episode and for that I want to say Me gracias from the bottom of my heart. If you would like to dive deeper into today's message and would like to connect me, send the DM on MAMI on a Mission our , or Facebook . You can mamionamission. com find me at . I hope you've enjoyed this new episode and if you did, it would mean the world to me If you would subscribe, share this podcast and leave me a review on Spotify and Apple Podcast or wherever you listen to your podcast. Tune in next week for some more words of motivation, inspiration and encouragement on mommy on a mission.

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MAMI on a Mission Podcast - Mujeres Alcanzando Metas Imposibles

Mariana Monterrubio - Best Selling Author, Latina Life Coach and Motivational Speaker