MAMI on a Mission Podcast - Mujeres Alcanzando Metas Imposibles

Self-Confidence Unleashed: Believing in Yourself and Your Abilities

Mariana Monterrubio - Best Selling Author, Latina Life Coach and Motivational Speaker Season 5 Episode 21

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How do you balance family life while pursuing your educational dreams? Join me, Mariana, on this episode of MAMI on a Mission as I share my personal journey of preparing to attend Vision Galveston's Entrepreneurship Academy. From juggling family responsibilities to overcoming the nerves of returning to a classroom setting, I recount how setting goals and pushing past comfort zones can lead to incredible personal growth. Hear inspiring stories, including that of a client who conquered her doubts to take significant steps toward her educational aspirations. Together, we'll explore the transformative power of action and seizing the moment despite fears and uncertainties.

Feeling stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts? Discover the impact of positive self-talk and reflection on your confidence and personal growth. We'll discuss how affirmations such as "I am capable and strong," inspired by Proverbs 18:21, can shift your mindset. Learn about the powerful role of journaling in tracking progress and seeking divine wisdom, as guided by Psalm 139:23-24. I’ll also share my experience of training for and completing a half marathon, facing initial doubts and harsh weather conditions, all while keeping Galatians 6:9 in mind as a reminder to persevere. Join us on this empowering journey to become stronger, more confident, and aligned with your deepest desires.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Mommy on a Mission podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm Mariana, your host and the number one bestselling author of Mommy on a Mission a guide towards healing self-discovery and walking in confidence. As a dedicated life coach, wife, mom yaya and, most importantly, daughter of the king, I am passionate about empowering multifaceted women just like you. In each episode, we dive deep into transformative topics that help you reignite your passion and purpose. My unique approach is designed to help you overcome the fear of external expectations and create the space and time you need for both increased job satisfaction and personal growth. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we explore practical strategies, inspiring stories and actionable insights. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of life and emerge stronger, more confident and truly aligned with our deepest desires. Welcome to the Mom on a Mission podcast, your go-to resource for living a more purposeful and fulfilling life. So grab your Tazza of Café and let's talk. Good morning, hola, hola, amiga, and welcome back to another episode of Mommy on a Mission podcast, the podcast that empowers women to reach their impossible goals, one dream at a time. I'm your host, mariana, and today I am going to talk about self-confidence unleashed, believing in yourself and your abilities. But before we get started. Let me just say that this episode is brought to you by Mommy on a Mission LLC. Mommy on a Mission LLC is a movement dedicated to giving Latina women, and all women, the support they need to pursue their impossible dreams. We strive to create a safe and inspiring environment to help these courageous women gain the confidence to set big goals and work hard to make them happen. With our community of inspiring role models, dynamic workshops and inspiring conversations, mommy on a Mission LLC provides a safe space for women to develop the skills, networks and emotional support necessary to help them pursue and realize their impossible dreams. Well, amiga, I hope you all had an awesome week. The countdown begins and my kiddos start school this coming week, not to mention the week after next. I'm going to start taking classes myself for the next 15 weeks.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so I think I had mentioned to you that I was selected to start Vision Galveston's Entrepreneurship Academy. So what that is? It's for those who have a business or want to start up a business and they go over the entrepreneurship models to help build your business. You have to work everything that you're learning, you have to apply it towards your business. So it's all real time and then, I believe in November you have to pitch your business in front of potential funders and then they will decide whether or not that they will fund. If they will fund your business Course ends in December and at the end of it they will give you a certificate and, of course, you would have all of the tools that you've learned to improve your business. So I am excited because typically the classes are, if I'm not mistaken, about 1500. And I don't have to pay anything for that and I don't know.

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I think I had also mentioned that I had started investing in a marketing strategist, which I absolutely loved, but unfortunately I could no longer afford to pay for the marketing strategist. Just some things ended up popping up. Strategist, just some things ended up popping up. We had the hurricane that happened and then some other things popped up, and then now school starting up, so it just wasn't the right time to invest in a marketing strategist. But God knew that he had something in plan because, I'm going to be honest, I had completely forgotten that I had submitted an application for it. And then, lo and behold, I get that phone call, I get interviewed and I was selected. So I am so excited.

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So now the kids are going to school, I'm going to be taking classes, we're all going to be studying together, and I have to admit that I am a little bit nervous. While I'm excited, I am nervous because it's been a while since I've sat in a classroom setting. Yeah, a few years back, so I want to say about four years ago, I did take some online classes because I did become a veterinary technician, but those were online classes and they were self-paced, so I was able to take my time to do those and it wasn't as nerve wracking because I was able to take my time and, plus, I was doing the schoolwork and I had people that I could ask questions and whatnot. I guess I wasn't as nervous. But this time I'm going back into a classroom and sure I'm going to be able to ask questions and stuff, but I don't know, I'm just a little scared, I guess a little nervous, maybe a little afraid. So hey, I don't know, my confidence level is a little shaky and my nerves are a little nervy. But you know what? This past week I had a visitor who reminded me that everything is going to be okay, and so I want to share a story that is sure to inspire you because it definitely inspired me.

Speaker 1:

So when I first met my client and I want to say this was back in December of last year she was feeling really, really down on herself. She had a deep desire to go back to school and finish what she had started, but she felt it wasn't the right time. So together we wrote out her goals and the things that she needed, along with resources and support, and I asked her the question with resources and support. And I asked her the question if right now is not the right time, then when is going to be the right time? Because it was always. It was never the right time.

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So I asked her what's stopping you from doing it? You know? I asked her have you applied for financial aid? Have you? You know what? You know what's going to make you take action to do it? And so she says I said because if you don't do it today, then when? And she said well, that's a good question. I said so if you did get accepted for financial aid or all the resources fall into play, will you do it? And she said yes. So I said okay. So when are you going to take action? She says I'm going to take action this week. I said all right, so how am I going to know that you took action? I'm going to call you. I said all right, right, and she did. She called me and she told me that she had, you know, applied and she had, um, she was just waiting for an answer and I said okay, so I knew that she had taken action, but after that I hadn't heard back from her.

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Well, you know, time had passed and stuff, and so, you know, as the time goes by, everyone gets busy, right? Well, on Monday she came into the office and she says hey, coach, how are you doing? And I said, hey, how are you, how's everything going? And she says everything's going good. She goes I've got a surprise for you. I said, yeah, I said what's going on. And so she shows me her grades and she had taken all of her accounting classes and she says look, I made the Dean's list. And I said, oh my God. And then she started crying and she says and I'm graduating with my associate's degree in accounting, so this, this stuff. So she finished all of her courses. She had just come back from the college, she had just enrolled to get her all her graduation stuff and in December she's going to walk across the stage.

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Let me tell you, y'all, that brought so much joy to my heart to know that she took the steps. She was scared, she was unsure, she did not have the confidence in herself. She had every excuse in the book as to why she couldn't. She was so nervous. I mean, like, like I said she, she doubted her ability, of whether or not she was going to be able to do it. And she did it y'all. She got all A's made the Dean's list and now she's graduating and that, to me, was a testament that I'm going to be okay. And I know deep down inside of my heart that I'm going to be okay because I've done it once before.

Speaker 1:

You know, 20 years ago I made the decision to go back to school myself, as a single mom. But it was so long ago and I was in my early thirties when I made that decision and, just like the young lady that went back to school, I made all the excuses right. This time I'm not making any excuses because this is a gift from God. You know I, unexpectedly, you know I applied for a scholarship. I applied for this opportunity. I gave it to God. I said, if it's in your will for me to have this. Great and honestly, because back then, going to school was more out of necessity, so that I could be able to provide for my children. I knew I needed to go back to school, but I was afraid and I was scared.

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This time around I mean because I have a career, uh, and I love what I do this is more so that this is for me to have something. I want to be able to build my business for the kingdom of God. I want my business to be a reflection of God's kingdom. I want to be able to help women that perhaps have gone through similar things that I've gone through. Perhaps it was abuse, perhaps they're in a narcissistic relationship, perhaps they're being gaslighted, maybe their life is in shambles right now. Maybe they're undecided about what it is that they want to do, maybe they're feeling doubtful about their abilities, about their something beyond themselves, something that is so scary but yet so exciting. That is what I desire to do, and so I'm so excited for this opportunity, because I know that it's the next step that God wants me to be able to take advantage of, and so I am being so prayerful for this opportunity and, yes, because now God's taking me into a different direction, one that is going to open up more doors for me, Right? And so I'm excited. I'm very, very excited. And so, with that story, I hope it encourages you.

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If you're feeling stuck, if you're feeling doubtful, if you're feeling unsure about what move you need to make, I hope that that story about my client inspires you to go for it. Afraid, you know, go for it. Scared, go for it. Nervous, whatever it. Afraid you know, go for it. Scared, go for it. Nervous, whatever it is, just go for it. And so, with that being said, amiga, grab your cafecito, a pen and paper and let's get into the six essentials.

Speaker 1:

You need to believe in yourself and your abilities. So we're going to get started with the first one positive self-talk. The way you talk to yourself matters immensely, because it shapes your mindset and influences your actions. Replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations can transform your outlook on life and boost your confidence. For instance, instead of saying I can't do this, say I am capable and strong. This shift in self-talk can motivate you to tackle challenges with a positive attitude. Proverbs 18, 21 reminds us of that. It says that the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit. By speaking life into your dreams, you will likely find that you have the courage and determination to pursue them.

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I can tell you so many times how much I would sabotage myself by the way I spoke to myself. I would always tell myself I can't do this, I'm not good enough, I'm not smart enough, I'm not wise enough, I'm not strong enough. Every single time I'm not pretty enough. If that's you, if you've said those things to yourself, I'm not, I don't have money, I don't. You know, I don't, I can't afford it. If you've said any of those things to yourself, if you've said any of those things to yourself, stop and replace it with something positive. If you say I can't do this, again I am capable and strong. If you're saying I'm just dumb, say I am smart and I can learn. If you're saying I don't understand, then say I know what I know and what I don't know. I will ask and I will learn. So make sure that you change what you say to yourself and the more you start speaking life into your, the more you start speaking positive into your life, the more you're going to start getting accustomed and you're going to start seeing the powerful, how powerful you're going to start feeling when you start speaking positively to yourself.

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The next thing is reflection taking time to reflect on your journey, I mean that's crucial for your personal growth and self-awareness, because it allows you to understand where you've been and where you want to go. One of the ways to do that is journaling. I can't say that enough. Journaling is so profound. It's such a great tool for this purpose because it allows you to document and analyze your experience, for example, writing about a recent challenge and how you overcame it. It can provide insight into your strengths and areas for improvement. Psalm 139, 23 and 24 says search me, god, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thought. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. That scripture right there can guide your reflections, helping you seek divine wisdom and clarity.

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I like to go back and look at my journals. I like to see where I was, what I've done and where I am, and it's so crazy how much I was able to accomplish. I can see where my doubt was, how I was able to get through it and then how I overcame it. And it's such a beautiful thing because I could see God's work in it. I can see how he was holding my hand when I was struggling, and you'll be able to see that too.

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I can promise you that Grit is that unyielding determination to achieve your goals, even when faced with obstacles. It's about showing up consistently and putting in the effort, day after day. For example and I can attest to this because I've done a half marathon but an athlete training for either a marathon or a half marathon demonstrates grit by sticking into a rigorous training schedule, even when the going gets tough. Galatians 6.9 encourages us Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. This verse serves as a reminder to persevere, knowing that your hard work will eventually pay off.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God. Let me tell you the first time I did a half marathon. Let me tell you the first time I did a half marathon. I thought it was going to be the most impossible thing ever. I remember I had just started running 5Ks and my husband. I told him that one of the things on my bucket list was to run a half marathon. And do you know that that man signed us up for a half marathon, I believe this was. It was in November when he signed us up, and the race was going to take place in April. So five months out, november, december, january, march yeah, five months out. So we had five months to train.

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I was so unsure if I was going to be able to do that, and I decided, I mean, it was already paid for. So I had no choice, and so I had to train for that, and all I could do was start from where I was, at which I could run three miles, but I wasn't fast, and I just started three miles, then four, then five, then six, seven, eight, until eventually became 13.1. And even my speed started to increase. What I wasn't prepared for, though, was the weather. So I had been training in Texas weather, so it was kind of warm here, because, you know, we don't have much of a winter here in Texas, but I don't know, depending on where you live, but here in the East Gulf Coast we don't have much of winters. Here it's pretty humid and hot. So I had been training here in the Galveston area, and it was humid.

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Well, the race was in Oklahoma City in April, and that year that we ran it was 38 degrees and it was raining and that year it was the best run I had ever had ever had. I did 13.1 miles in two hours and 40 minutes, which for a first-timer was very good. Of course that wasn't the best overall, but it was very good for a first timer and I was so excited I can't even begin to describe how exciting that run. And then to do it in the city where my life had started all over again, it was huge. It was meaningful to me because that's where it all started for me, and to see all that hard work pay off, and it was like the trajectory of my journey came full circle. I mean it was just exciting. Came full circle. I mean it was just exciting and I knew right there that God was going to bless me so much so, or that he had, and I knew everything was going to be okay from that moment on.

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And so, with that being said, gratitude. Practicing gratitude helps you focus on the positives Even when things get tough. Making it a habit to list three things you're grateful for each day can shift your perspective and enhance your overall well-being. For example, you might be grateful for a supportive friend, a beautiful sunset or a successful project at work. First, thessalonians 5.18 tells us give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. By fostering an attitude of gratitude, you can find joy and contentment in everyday moments, which in turn fuels your confidence Y'all.

Speaker 1:

I can't thank God enough for the life that he has blessed me with, and when I say that my life came full circle, I mean he's blessed me from a past, broken marriage that consisted of drug addiction, abuse, manipulation. Marriage that consisted of drug addiction, abuse, manipulation, narcissism, dishonesty, lies, manipulation to one of a marriage of love, honesty, of care, one that is full of joy, that honors God. The things that were lost have been replaced, and then some. I've been blessed with a man who values family, who supports my endeavors, who supports my dreams, who adores our children and puts all of us first but, most importantly, puts God first, who doesn't do drugs, who doesn't lie, who keeps his promises and follows through, who embraced my other children and calls them his own. God has allowed me to have this wonderful career. I mean, I'm so grateful for so much. God didn't allow me to go to prison. I'm here. God has allowed me to share my story so that I can give hope to others and so that I can share with other women the goodness of God and how faithful God is. I'm so grateful for him. Sorry, y'all, that's my. Those are my dogs, and because of God I found strength.

Speaker 1:

Recognizing your inner strength and the source of that strength is essential for overcoming challenges. Drawing on past experiences and remembering how far you've come can empower you to face future obstacles with courage. For instance, recalling a time when you successfully navigated a difficult situation can remind you of your resilience. My favorite scripture, philippians 4.13, says I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. This scripture underscores that you are stronger than you think and you have the strength of the almighty within you. This scripture is one of those scriptures that I would read over and over and over, because I knew that God was going to give me the strength. In those moments that I just felt that I was just being defeated, in those moments where I felt weakened, I knew God was going to give me the thing, the source that I needed in order for me to keep going. And he's going to do that for you too, amiga. He's going to give you that strength. He's going to provide you the very thing that you need. So don't give up on yourself. Keep going, amiga. You've got it, you've got it. And lastly and this one's important, I saved this one for last Giving yourself grace is crucial for maintaining a healthy self-image and emotional well-being, understanding that you are human and it's okay to make mistakes, because it allows you to learn from them and move forward.

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For example, if you miss a deadline at work, instead of beating yourself up, acknowledge the mistake, learn from it and take steps to prevent it from happening again. Ephesians 2.8 reminds us of this. It says for it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourself. It is the gift of God. Embracing this grace and extending it to yourself fosters a forgiving and compassionate mindset of forgiving and compassionate mindset, enabling you to grow and thrive. Give yourself grace. It's okay. We're going to make mistakes. We're not perfect.

Speaker 1:

I know that a lot of times, us women carry that burden of feeling that we have to be perfect, that we have to be a certain way. We put that pressure on ourselves, that we have to carry ourselves a certain way, that, for whatever reason, we can't make mistakes. But we do. And the sad part of it is is that we do that to other women. We criticize each other. Stay-at-home moms criticize the working moms, the working moms criticize the stay-at-home moms. The single moms criticize the married moms, the married moms criticize the single moms. I mean, it's just, it's crazy. And why? Why do we do that to each other? And then, secretly, we do that to ourselves, like if we're you know, if we don't look a certain way, if we don't talk a certain way, if we don't dress a certain way, we criticize ourselves and then we feel like failures.

Speaker 1:

Extend grace. Extend some grace for yourself and quit being so hard on yourself. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Give yourself permission to be human. Give yourself permission to rest. Give yourself permission to enjoy yourself, to have fun, to pamper yourself, to enjoy life. Give yourself permission. It's okay. It's okay if you don't have it all together, it's okay. You're going to be okay, amiga. I believe that. So there you have it, amiga. Six essentials to help you believe in yourself and your abilities Positive self-talk, reflection, grit, gratitude, strength and grace and grace. Remember you are capable of achieving your dreams, believing yourself, and let your confidence be unleashed.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning in today's episode of Mommy on a Mission podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your amiga, who might need a little boost of confidence today. Until next time, keep dreaming big and believe in yourself. Thank you for tuning in to the Mommy on a Mission podcast. If you found today's episode inspiring, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review and share it with your amigas. And, before you go, if you're looking to dive deeper into healing, self-discovery and walking in confidence, be sure to grab a copy of my book Mommy on a Mission a guide towards healing, self-discovery and walking in confidence, available now on Amazon. Stay connected with me on social media. Follow us on Instagram at mommy on a mission podcast, and on Facebook at mommy on a mission. If you're considering working with a coach but aren't sure if you're ready, send me a DM and I will send you a free gift to help you get started on your journey until next Saturday. Keep shining and remember the power is within you. Adios Amigas.

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MAMI on a Mission Podcast - Mujeres Alcanzando Metas Imposibles

Mariana Monterrubio - Best Selling Author, Latina Life Coach and Motivational Speaker